Daily Archives: November 16, 2011

The party I’m not allowed to plan


I told you all yesterday that I’m a little more than a little jealous about the fabulous bachelor trip that Shaun’s best man has in the works. And yes, that statement is still true. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t have stuff to look forward to as well!


While Shaun is going all out Vegas-style, I’m planning on my party being something a little more subdued. Or…I guess I should say that I’m hoping my party will be something a little more subdued – because planning is out of my hands! My bridesmaids are planning my bachelorette party, so what’s actually going to happen that day is a complete mystery to me. And truth be told, I’m not very good at waiting for surprises! (Just ask my mom…I’m awful at gift giving because I always want to tell the person what I got them. I just get too excited.)

My type-A personality won’t let me completely let this topic go just because the planning is out of my hands, however. I know that I’ll have fun no matter what they plan and I definitely am not going to be involved in planning…but I figured I’d whip up this little post to give the girls a hint as to what my ideal party would be like. 🙂

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